Tag: leadership development


The Value of Honoring One Another

Today’s guest post is by Jaimie Bowman. Jaimie is my executive assistant, and she has also been in ministry for twenty years. Jaimie is a pastor’s wife and mother of two boys. She is also a speaker and author on


2017 Coaching Cohort

Interested in taking your Leadership to a new level in 2017? Over the last 15 years, I have coached hundreds of leaders toward personal and organizational success. I get dozens of coaching requests each month, but there is no way that


Top Three Reasons You Should Join My 2016 Coaching Cohort

  Tomorrow (Friday, November 20) is the last day to apply for my 2016 Coaching Cohort. In 2016, I will personally guide 12 leaders through: Life Planning Life Plan Implementation Church Vision Planning Vision Plan Implementation Priority Organization Moving from

Three Musts for Small Groups

Three Musts for Successful Small Groups

Church Small Groups are notoriously difficult to do well. Small groups have various names – growth groups, city groups, d-groups, missional communities, gospel communities, etc. As church leaders, we continuously work to get people connected to small groups, train leaders

Elders in a church plant, How to get it right

Elders in a Church Plant – How To Get it Right

One of the biggest mistakes I see church planters make is putting elders in place too soon. Nothing blows up church plants as quickly as leadership conflicts. Attempting to get to a plurality of elders quickly is a train-wreck in
