Tag: firing

Someone On Your Team Needs To Go
Someone on your team needs to go. Perhaps you hired him simply because he was there. Maybe you hired her early on but time has shown that she is not a good fit. Perhaps he doesn’t even want to be …

How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person
Have you ever hired a person only to have serious regret later? Hiring the wrong person can be a painful experience and it can slow momentum, drain resources, and undermine team unity. In a church, hiring the wrong person can damage relationships and hurt people who are trusting us to lead spiritually. Character, Competence, and Chemistry are all critical in order to make a good hire. (I will address character and competence in future posts.)
In order for a person to become an effective and productive part of your team, there needs to be a good chemistry fit.

Your Team is Likely Holding you Back
Why isn’t your organization moving forward? Perhaps it is because you have the wrong people on your team. Many organizational leaders have people on their teams that they would never hire again. They choose to continue to keep these people on …

What to do BEFORE Firing a Person
Thinking about firing a person from your team? In the past week, I have written two posts concerning letting staff members go from your team: When You Should Fire a Person from your Team How to Fire a Person from your …

5 Reasons to Release a Person from your Team
There are times when a person needs to be released from your team. Wise leadership knows that not every person needs to stay on the team indefinitely. But how do I know when it is time to release a person? …