Category: Mission

Three Huge Mistakes that Church Planters Make
This is a Video that I shot for Exponential on Establishing Leadership in a New Church Plant. Avoiding these three mistakes will save you a lot of pain as a church planter. It’s only three minutes long but contains fifteen …

Fourteen Things to Consider BEFORE Church Planting
Are you considering Church Planting? Here are Fourteen things to consider BEFORE church planting. 1. Are You Character Qualified? The character qualifications for a pastor are clear in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Don’t create a future trainwreck if …

7 Questions Every Church Needs to Answer
Many churches are little more than social clubs. As a result, they are completely ineffective in reaching their communities. No new church starts with the goal of being irrelevant, but over time, churches often lose track of their very reason for …

Your Reputation Can Make or Break You
Five years ago my wife and I made the decision to sell our house. Right away we began the process of choosing a real estate broker. Our decision was simple and clear. In our neighborhood, one real estate team had dominated …

What to do when People Leave your Church
People in America leave churches regularly. But for the leaders of these churches, it often stings when people leave. We take it personally. We feel rejected. We don’t separate well. Relationships are broken. But does it have to be this …