Tag: Staffing

How Side Meetings Destroy Team Unity
One of the most destructive things to team unity is when team members have side meetings after the main meeting. The main meeting may be a staff meeting or elder meeting or lead team meeting. The side meeting after the …

How to Lead A Team of Other Leaders
Many of you lead a team of other leaders. You lead managers, director level staff, campus pastors, or volunteer leaders (who are leading other people.) I continually work with people who lead a team of leaders and are wrestling with …

How to Not Fail in Leadership
Few of us enter our careers already skilled in the art of leadership. We spend our early career years learning (and often failing) to become great leaders. Many never become great leaders, often because they fail to invest the time …

What to Do With Your Staff Team Right Away
If you lead a staff, one of the most valuable things you can do is to have each person on your team create an annual plan. An annual plan is foundational for everything else that your staff team will do …

Someone On Your Team Needs To Go
Someone on your team needs to go. Perhaps you hired him simply because he was there. Maybe you hired her early on but time has shown that she is not a good fit. Perhaps he doesn’t even want to be …