Tag: listening

Why No One Cares What You Have To Say
People love to talk about themselves. For many of us, “Me” is our favorite topic of discussion. We love to talk about our experiences, share what we know, and give other people advice. I often wonder if we realize that nobody …
By Brian Howard on September 24, 2015

Why You Should Stop Answering Your Critics
Over the past ten years, I have learned a powerful life-changing leadership lesson. Here it is: Often, a person just needs to be heard. When a person comes to you and tells you that you are wrong, shares his point …
By Brian Howard on May 5, 2015

Why We Can’t Be Friends
Pastor Tim Keller Of Redeemer Community Church recently tweeted, True gospel-humility means I stop connecting every experience, every conversation, with myself. — Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) March 19, 2014 It seems that there are so few people who genuinely know how …
By Brian Howard on March 20, 2014

How to take your Friendships to a new Level
Interested in learning to be a better friend, parent, or spouse? One of the ways to take your friendships to a new level is to learn to implement a few skills that coaches use. A commitment to developing these skills …
By Brian Howard on January 23, 2013

Do You Talk Too Much?
Much of my career as a leader has been marked by talking. As a husband, father, leader, and coach I am expected to talk. Nearly every day, at work and home, I am explaining how to do things, answering questions, …
By Brian Howard on January 2, 2013