Category: Life Planning


How to Remember 2015 and Plan for 2016

Each year between Christmas and New Years I walk through a simple exercise to help me think through the past year and plan for the coming year.  I originally learned this exercise from David Allen, author of Getting Things Done, and

one thing you must do

The One Thing You Must Do for Success This Year

If you could accomplish only One Thing this year what would it be? Every year I write annual goals and A life plan. This year, however, I will be focusing on one top priority that I want to accomplish. What got me

Vacation won't solve

Why A Vacation Won’t Solve Your Problem

Are you exhausted, burned out, and hoping that a vacation or sabbatical will fix your issue? You are likely mistaken. If you want to live a full, healthy, and rested life, you are going to have to address the root


2017 Coaching Cohort

Interested in taking your Leadership to a new level in 2017? Over the last 15 years, I have coached hundreds of leaders toward personal and organizational success. I get dozens of coaching requests each month, but there is no way that

saving money

Why You Must Save Money Now

Someday You will No Longer Work Full-Time The reason may be that you are not physically or mentally capable of working full time. Or you may simply decide you don’t want to work for a full-time paycheck until the moment
