Tag: goal setting

How to Create a Family Plan
Earlier this week, Barry Rager shared with us about How a Family Plan Could Change Everything. Today Barry is going to share how to create a family plan, using five easy steps that can be customized to your family needs. The entire …

What you Should do for 4 hours EVERY Week
Every leader, without exception, should be investing a minimum of 4 hours weekly working ON the organization rather than IN the organization. If your organization is going to move forward, you must spend time away from people, working on the …

Write it Down. Make it Happen.
It’s New Years Day, and many of us still have not written down any goals for 2017. Do you realize that simply writing down a goal makes it much more likely that you will accomplish it? This past week I …

How to Write a Life Plan

How to Remember 2014 and Plan for 2015
Welcome to the day after Christmas! Each year between Christmas and New Years I walk through a simple exercise to help me think through the past year and plan for the coming year. I originally learned this exercise from David Allen, …