Tag: texting

Why A Vacation Won’t Solve Your Problem
Are you exhausted, burned out, and hoping that a vacation or sabbatical will fix your issue? You are likely mistaken. If you want to live a full, healthy, and rested life, you are going to have to address the root …

What to Do when you get a Critical Email
Opening up an email that is nasty or critical feels like a punch in the stomach. We have all likely experienced a critical email. Many of us have gotten dozens of them. Over the years, I have learned several principles …

What To Do when you Feel Offended over a Text Message
Have you ever been offended by a text you received? Many times I have gotten a text, or email, and felt tension after reading it. Sometimes I wonder if the sender was trying to initiate conflict. At other times I …

The Dangerous Power of Online Messaging
Every day, relationships are damaged through online messaging. (Emails, Facebook messages, and Text messages) This damage happens for a couple of reasons. First, people say things in writing that they would never say to another person face to face. It’s …