Category: Family

How to Transition Daily from Work to Home
This article is a guest post by Logan Gentry. Logan is the pastor of community and equipping at Apostles Church in New York City. He is married to Amber and is the father of three children. He writes about cultivating …

The Most Missional people in my Neighborhood are not Christians
Nine months ago my family and I moved into a new neighborhood. (New for us anyways) We arrived and right away began meeting our neighbors. Several of them reached out to us in the first couple of weeks. Within our …

Truly Successful People know these 2 things
On this blog I write about Priority Management, Productivity, Leadership, Church Staffing, Family Leadership, and other very practical things. I have spent the last 20 years honing, training and coaching leaders in these areas. But under all of these things …

4 Ways to Protect your Kids Online
Pornography is more accessible than ever before. We have four kids and a whole host of devices in our home that connect to the Internet. We parent proactively. We set rules for iPhones and iPods. But with the easy accessibility …

One Small Change that could really affect your Leadership
My oldest son plays high school basketball, so I spend a lot of time at basketball games listening to coaches yell at players. I witness kids stand in a circle during timeouts while their coaches tell them how bad they …