Category: Leadership

How to keep your Weaknesses from Destroying your Church
One of the realities of parenting is seeing my negative patterns and weaknesses replicated in my kids. It would be lovely if my kids reflected all of the strengths but none of my weaknesses. But my kids in reality seem …

Are you a Church Planting Failure?
In the business world, it is both known and expected that entrepreneurs often repeatedly fail on the way to success. In the Church planting world, failure seems to suck the soul out of the church planter. I know of many …

12 Questions For Starting a New (or Evaluating a Current) Ministry
Have you carefully thought through a new ministry that you want to start? Have you evaluated your current ministries? Here are 12 planning questions that will help you think through starting a new ministry or evaluating a current one. Consider planning a …

Stop Making this Major Hiring Mistake
Have you ever made a bad hire? Hiring the wrong person can bring very painful consequences for both you and your organization. The wise saying “Hire slowly and fire quickly” is often practiced in reverse becoming “Hire quickly and fire …

Why Leaders Fail with their Assistants
Have you had a hard conversation with your assistant lately? Being unwilling to engage in conflict with your assistant can ruin your working relationship. Here are four mistakes to avoid with those who assist you: 1. Assuming your assistant can …