Category: Leadership


Stop Making this Major Hiring Mistake

Have you ever made a bad hire? Hiring the wrong person can bring very painful consequences for both you and your organization. The wise saying “Hire slowly and fire quickly” is often practiced in reverse becoming “Hire quickly and fire


Why Leaders Fail with their Assistants

Have you had a hard conversation with your assistant lately? Being unwilling to engage in conflict with your assistant can ruin your working relationship. Here are four mistakes to avoid with those who assist you: 1. Assuming your assistant can


7 things I Want My Kids to Know about Me

1. That I love God I want my kids to know that I believe in a God, who created the Universe and created me to know him. The way that I live, the decisions that I make, the way that


A Clear Sign of a Miserable Job

Are you crystal clear of what is expected of you at work? One of the clearest indicators of a miserable job is a lack of clear expectations. What am I responsible for? Who do I report to? Who will tell


How to get home from work earlier

Interested in getting home from work earlier? Implement this productivity tip that will help you to focus and get more done. Here it is: Think in the morning. Talk in the afternoon. Work on your most important projects in the
