Category: Leadership

My Top 10 Blog Posts of 2013
At the beginning of 2013, I launched this blog. I had no idea that it would take off like it did. When I worked for Sojourn Church, I once told everyone that I would never blog. Over this past year, …

How to Remember 2014 and Plan for 2015
Welcome to the day after Christmas! Each year between Christmas and New Years I walk through a simple exercise to help me think through the past year and plan for the coming year. I originally learned this exercise from David Allen, …

What Should we Do with our Older People?
Now that I am well into my 40’s, I constantly notice how youthful society seems. Those of you in your 50’s, 60’s and 70’s probably see this even more. Everyone looks young. News broadcasters look younger than ever; people far …

When in Doubt, Choose your Family
We all make choices daily concerning how to spend our time. For husbands and fathers, here is a simple principle when considering these decisions: When in doubt, choose your family. What should I do on a given evening or this …

One thing you must do in your Relationships and your Career
Overnight success is rare. To achieve real success, you have to pay your dues. By “Paying your dues” I mean earning respect because you have worked hard and been present over a long period. Consider the importance of paying your dues …