Category: Leadership

What to do when People Leave your Church
People in America leave churches regularly. But for the leaders of these churches, it often stings when people leave. We take it personally. We feel rejected. We don’t separate well. Relationships are broken. But does it have to be this …

100 Principles for Leadership
Download my NEW e-book FREE for a limited time! Over the past 18 months, I have written over 65,000 words and 130 blog posts. I write on leadership, leadership development, productivity, staffing, priority management, and family leadership. I have synthesized my last …

How 5 minutes Can Save your Life
Leaving 5 minutes early just might save both your life and your relationships. I drive a lot. I drive my teenage kids to school, drive all four of my kids to various activities, drive to appointments daily and drive my …

3 Coaching Spots Opening. Interested?
Over the next couple of months I will be taking on three new leaders to coach. I am writing this blog post today because you may be interested in being one of these three leaders. Over the past 10 years I …

How to Handle an Emotional Crash
Are you headed toward an emotional or physical crash? As a spiritual leader you spend your weeks preparing sermons, interacting with people, organizing ministry, trying to figure out which staff to hire, training leaders and overall bearing other people’s burdens. All …