Category: Coaching


The Art of Finding Solutions

Helping people does not always mean giving them answers.  The most helpful, loving and powerful thing I can do for another person might be to ask them a question rather than give them a solution.  Many of us are skilled


Why you Shouldn’t Hire another Staff Person

Convinced that you need more paid staff?  You might want to consider coaching before you make that move.  Here are three reasons why coaching is so valuable:


7 Reasons that People Quit Serving

It wasn’t clear what I was supposed to do. I wasn’t sure who I was responsible to. I didn’t receive any real training or direction. No one ever told me how I was doing. I was continually asked to do


Stop Doing Everything Yourself

So many of us feel like we are overworked and responsible for too many things.  Having too many priorities keeps us from focusing on the things that are most important. In coaching leaders who struggle with this, I often have


What to do Instead of Planting a Church with a Partner (Part 2)

Over the past week I have written a series of posts recommending that Church Planters not plant with an equal partner. This is final post of the series builds on my previous three posts. Three Recommendations for Church Planters 1.
