Category: Family

My 2015 Coaching Cohort
Over the last 15 years, I have coached hundreds of leaders toward personal and organizational success. Though I get dozens of coaching requests each month, I am simply unable to say yes to all. For quite a while I have …

100 Principles for Leadership
Download my NEW e-book FREE for a limited time! Over the past 18 months, I have written over 65,000 words and 130 blog posts. I write on leadership, leadership development, productivity, staffing, priority management, and family leadership. I have synthesized my last …

3 Coaching Spots Opening. Interested?
Over the next couple of months I will be taking on three new leaders to coach. I am writing this blog post today because you may be interested in being one of these three leaders. Over the past 10 years I …

What Works for us (and might work for you) in Family Worship
Are you a parent? Then you need to know that your kids are going to learn primarily what you teach them. You might sometimes wish that you could delegate the spiritual training of your kids, but you are the one …