All posts by Brian Howard

My focus is to help YOU move forward one step at a time. I write about church excellence, personal productivity, and family leadership. I coach leaders, start churches, and help organizations break growth barriers. My goal is to draw on this experience to help YOU move forward in life, leadership, and productivity.


7 Reasons that People Quit Serving

It wasn’t clear what I was supposed to do. I wasn’t sure who I was responsible to. I didn’t receive any real training or direction. No one ever told me how I was doing. I was continually asked to do


Stop Doing Everything Yourself

So many of us feel like we are overworked and responsible for too many things.  Having too many priorities keeps us from focusing on the things that are most important. In coaching leaders who struggle with this, I often have


How to be a Man at Home

Having been married for 20 years and being the father of four kids, I have learned a lot about what it means to be a man at home.  Here are five simple but effective things that I strive to live


The Secret To Team Building: Find Teachers Who Are Humongous

  By Bobby Gilles Have you ever seen a Russian doll? The name actually refers to any set of wooden dolls of decreasing size, placed one inside the other. In my office at Sojourn Church sets a Russian doll from a


How to keep Drainers from taking over your life

Most of us can identify things that are draining to us (Drainers). We also know that there are things in our lives that are energizing to us (Gainers). Here is one example for me. I love to be with people.
