Tag: Planning

How to Remember 2014 and Plan for 2015
Welcome to the day after Christmas! Each year between Christmas and New Years I walk through a simple exercise to help me think through the past year and plan for the coming year. I originally learned this exercise from David Allen, …

How to Move from Bad Cop to Good Cop as a Leader
One of the primary issues that leaders face is managing well the people or teams that they oversee. Lead Pastors often wrestle with the tension between being authority to paid staff and being friend/mentor/developer to the paid staff that they …

Why each Person on your Staff should Create an Annual Plan
Leading and managing a staff is one of the most challenging parts of being a church leader. Whether you have 1, 5 or 50 staff members, being proactive in leading your staff is essential. Many pastors are confident with Scripture, …

How to keep your Week from getting Hijacked
Time management is a constant struggle for leaders. We struggle to find time to work on our top priorities. We fail to rest and exercise. Work and family time seem to collide. But what if you could change much of …

Are you still working on your Sermon Saturday Night?
Many pastors are frustrated that they are working on their sermons well into the weekend. If this is you consider applying the following principles to help you recapture your Saturdays. 1. Set aside an hour on Friday to plan your …