Tag: life planning

The One Thing You Must Do for Success This Year
If you could accomplish only One Thing this year what would it be? Every year I write annual goals and A life plan. This year, however, I will be focusing on one top priority that I want to accomplish. What got me …

Top Three Reasons You Should Join My 2016 Coaching Cohort
Tomorrow (Friday, November 20) is the last day to apply for my 2016 Coaching Cohort. In 2016, I will personally guide 12 leaders through: Life Planning Life Plan Implementation Church Vision Planning Vision Plan Implementation Priority Organization Moving from …

How to Create a Family Plan
Earlier this week, Barry Rager shared with us about How a Family Plan Could Change Everything. Today Barry is going to share how to create a family plan, using five easy steps that can be customized to your family needs. The entire …
How a Family Plan Could Change Everything
Today’s guest post is by Barry Rager. I have had the privilege of coaching Barry for the past 2 years. Barry is a Church Planter and Pastor at New Circle Church in inner-city Indianapolis. After a rough few months as …

My 2015 Coaching Cohort
Over the last 15 years, I have coached hundreds of leaders toward personal and organizational success. Though I get dozens of coaching requests each month, I am simply unable to say yes to all. For quite a while I have …