Tag: hiring

Your Team is Likely Holding you Back
Why isn’t your organization moving forward? Perhaps it is because you have the wrong people on your team. Many organizational leaders have people on their teams that they would never hire again. They choose to continue to keep these people on …

Three Times to NOT Hire a Person
There is little that is more important for an organization than having the right people on the team. When interviewing potential candidates for an open position, it can be tempting to hire a person too quickly in order to get …

How to Hire the Right Assistant
Hiring an assistant is almost always a wise and important move for a leader. So important that I argue that the first person that you should hire is an assistant. Why? Because you have too much specialized training and are …

Should We Hire from the Inside or Outside?
You have an open position. Do you bring someone in from the outside to fill it? Or do you hire a person from the inside that you already know? Tough Decision! Here are a few things to consider: Why you …

Stop Making this Major Hiring Mistake
Have you ever made a bad hire? Hiring the wrong person can bring very painful consequences for both you and your organization. The wise saying “Hire slowly and fire quickly” is often practiced in reverse becoming “Hire quickly and fire …