Tag: church growth

7 Questions Every Church Needs to Answer
Many churches are little more than social clubs. As a result, they are completely ineffective in reaching their communities. No new church starts with the goal of being irrelevant, but over time, churches often lose track of their very reason for …

Your Team is Likely Holding you Back
Why isn’t your organization moving forward? Perhaps it is because you have the wrong people on your team. Many organizational leaders have people on their teams that they would never hire again. They choose to continue to keep these people on …

5 Strategies to Help Your Church Grow
Almost every day church leaders ask me what they can do to help their churches grow. Some are church planters who have been able to gather 75 people, but have not yet reached sustainability and others are existing church pastors …

One Sure Way to Kill Your Church (or Church Plant)
Trying to please people in order to get them to stay will kill your Church Plant. Church plants often fail to survive long-term. When church plants fail, there are often clear mistakes that lead to their demise. One of these …

Why People Aren’t Connecting to Your Church
Many churches fail at connecting people beyond Sunday worship services. There are two primary reasons that churches struggle to get people connected beyond Sundays: 1. You’ve Made Connecting too Confusing Navigating the church bulletin and Sunday announcements to figure out …