What to do with your staff

What to Do With Your Staff Team Right Away

If you lead a staff, one of the most valuable things you can do is to have each person on your team create an annual plan. An annual plan is foundational for everything else that your staff team will do

Why no one cares what you have to say

Why No One Cares What You Have To Say

People love to talk about themselves. For many of us, “Me” is our favorite topic of discussion. We love to talk about our experiences, share what we know, and give other people advice. I often wonder if we realize that nobody

Someone on your team has to go

Someone On Your Team Needs To Go

Someone on your team needs to go. Perhaps you hired him simply because he was there. Maybe you hired her early on but time has shown that she is not a good fit. Perhaps he doesn’t even want to be

Elders in a church plant, How to get it right

Elders in a Church Plant – How To Get it Right

One of the biggest mistakes I see church planters make is putting elders in place too soon. Nothing blows up church plants as quickly as leadership conflicts. Attempting to get to a plurality of elders quickly is a train-wreck in

How to stop forgetting and follow through

How to Stop Forgetting and Follow Through

An old Proverb says, “The faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory.” You know that moment when a thought crashes into your mind? Perhaps it is something you need to do. Maybe it is something you need to


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