On Long Meetings and Long Sermons
On Long Meetings Please do not imprison me in a long meeting because you failed to take the time to prepare for a good short one. Peter Drucker says that the best leaders spend more time preparing for the meeting …
How to Lead A Team of Other Leaders
Many of you lead a team of other leaders. You lead managers, director level staff, campus pastors, or volunteer leaders (who are leading other people.) I continually work with people who lead a team of leaders and are wrestling with …
Staff Team Meetings – A Better Strategy
Are you looking for a better strategy and plan for staff team meetings? Imagine being a part of an organization and a team where your meetings are helpful, engaging, efficient, and productive. Perhaps you have never even seen a meeting …
Why A Vacation Won’t Solve Your Problem
Are you exhausted, burned out, and hoping that a vacation or sabbatical will fix your issue? You are likely mistaken. If you want to live a full, healthy, and rested life, you are going to have to address the root …
2017 Coaching Cohort
Interested in taking your Leadership to a new level in 2017? Over the last 15 years, I have coached hundreds of leaders toward personal and organizational success. I get dozens of coaching requests each month, but there is no way that …