Category: Staffing

Someone On Your Team Needs To Go
Someone on your team needs to go. Perhaps you hired him simply because he was there. Maybe you hired her early on but time has shown that she is not a good fit. Perhaps he doesn’t even want to be …

Elders in a Church Plant – How To Get it Right
One of the biggest mistakes I see church planters make is putting elders in place too soon. Nothing blows up church plants as quickly as leadership conflicts. Attempting to get to a plurality of elders quickly is a train-wreck in …
How To Network The Right Way
Networking may be the most valuable thing that a leader can do in today’s leadership culture. I have spent my entire adult life networking, and now know thousands of people all over the world. Being part of and building a …

How to Lead a Team of Two to Five
So, you have a team. What do you do now? How do you get started leading your team? How can you lead your team to success? Follow these seven steps for leading your team to success: 1. Write a Job …

How to Hire a Spectacular Assistant
A Great Assistant can take your productivity to a whole new level. The wise leader will spend as much time as possible on his top priorities and hand off everything else. But to whom will you hand things off? You …