Category: Leadership

How to Fight with your Wife (or Husband)
For 20 years, I have been blessed to have a good marriage (which seems to be rare). Some of this can be attributed to the fact that my wife and I have learned to fight well. Having also performed marriage …

How to put a stop to Bible Reading Failure
Over the years, I have tried every Bible reading plan that I could find. It seems that a million times I have decided to read through the Bible in a year. This process begins in January and might or might …

7 Keys to Building an Amazing Church Staff
Every pastor that I know longs to have an effective and unified staff ministering alongside him. But an all-star church staff does not happen by accident. Even a church with a team full of talented people can struggle with staff …

How to Become a Church Planting Church
How can a church that has never participated in church planting become a church planting church? Many churches aren’t sure where to even begin this journey. Some churches dive right into church planting by sending out one of their own to …

Three ways to live on Mission every day
Charles Spurgeon once said, “Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.” This is strong language for an important message. Most modern Christians think of a missionary as a person who leaves home behind to do gospel ministry elsewhere. …