Category: Leadership

What To Do when you Feel Offended over a Text Message
Have you ever been offended by a text you received? Many times I have gotten a text, or email, and felt tension after reading it. Sometimes I wonder if the sender was trying to initiate conflict. At other times I …

Someone you Know needs to be Encouraged Today
Earlier today I came across a super encouraging note from a friend telling me how much I mean to him and how much my input has meant in his life. Right away my spirits were lifted. For many years now …

Truly Successful People know these 2 things
On this blog I write about Priority Management, Productivity, Leadership, Church Staffing, Family Leadership, and other very practical things. I have spent the last 20 years honing, training and coaching leaders in these areas. But under all of these things …

Three ways to free up 8 hours in your week
Feeling overwhelmed with your schedule? Implement these 3 Simple Steps to free up (at least) 8 hours per week. 1. Eliminate most 1 on 1 meetings. Many one on one meetings work just as well as one on two …

How to Stay on Track with your Goals
New Years Resolutions already failing? Here are two steps to get back on track with your 2015 goals: 1. Start a weekly review Anyone can set a goal. But, if your goals are buried in a computer file that you …