All posts by Brian Howard

My focus is to help YOU move forward one step at a time. I write about church excellence, personal productivity, and family leadership. I coach leaders, start churches, and help organizations break growth barriers. My goal is to draw on this experience to help YOU move forward in life, leadership, and productivity.


The Most Missional people in my Neighborhood are not Christians

Nine months ago my family and I moved into a new neighborhood. (New for us anyways) We arrived and right away began meeting our neighbors. Several of them reached out to us in the first couple of weeks. Within our


What To Do when you Feel Offended over a Text Message

Have you ever been offended by a text you received? Many times I have gotten a text, or email, and felt tension after reading it. Sometimes I wonder if the sender was trying to initiate conflict. At other times I


Someone you Know needs to be Encouraged Today

Earlier today I came across a super encouraging note from a friend telling me how much I mean to him and how much my input has meant in his life. Right away my spirits were lifted. For many years now


Truly Successful People know these 2 things

On this blog I write about Priority Management, Productivity, Leadership, Church Staffing, Family Leadership, and other very practical things. I have spent the last 20 years honing, training and coaching leaders in these areas. But under all of these things


Three ways to free up 8 hours in your week

Feeling overwhelmed with your schedule? Implement these 3 Simple Steps to free up (at least) 8 hours per week.   1. Eliminate most 1 on 1 meetings. Many one on one meetings work just as well as one on two
