Tag: strategic planning

How to Coach your Church Staff Team Toward Success
Whether you have 1, 5 or 50 staff members, being proactive in leading your staff is essential. In a previous post, I unpacked 7 reasons that every person on your staff team should write an annual plan. Following up, I …

How to Move from Bad Cop to Good Cop as a Leader
One of the primary issues that leaders face is managing well the people or teams that they oversee. Lead Pastors often wrestle with the tension between being authority to paid staff and being friend/mentor/developer to the paid staff that they …

Why each Person on your Staff should Create an Annual Plan
Leading and managing a staff is one of the most challenging parts of being a church leader. Whether you have 1, 5 or 50 staff members, being proactive in leading your staff is essential. Many pastors are confident with Scripture, …

No One Even Knows Your Church Exists
How many people in your neighborhood have ever heard of your church? For many of us, the answer is few. But how can we expect to make a real impact on our communities if 90 percent of the people that …