Tag: Staff

Team Meetings

Staff Team Meetings – A Better Strategy

Are you looking for a better strategy and plan for staff team meetings? Imagine being a part of an organization and a team where your meetings are helpful, engaging, efficient, and productive. Perhaps you have never even seen a meeting


Fourteen Things to Consider BEFORE Church Planting

Are you considering Church Planting? Here are Fourteen things to consider BEFORE church planting. 1. Are You Character Qualified? The character qualifications for a pastor are clear in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Don’t create a future trainwreck if

Someone on your team has to go

Someone On Your Team Needs To Go

Someone on your team needs to go. Perhaps you hired him simply because he was there. Maybe you hired her early on but time has shown that she is not a good fit. Perhaps he doesn’t even want to be


Five Keys to a Healthy Team

A Healthy Team is critical to accomplishing the mission of any organization. But seldom do I see a church, non-profit, or business that excels at organizational health. This so often has to do with the health of the leadership team.
