Tag: parenting

7 things I Want My Kids to Know about Me
1. That I love God I want my kids to know that I believe in a God, who created the Universe and created me to know him. The way that I live, the decisions that I make, the way that …

Home is the Place for Loving Correction
Recently, my wife and I realized that one of our four children was really struggling in the way that he handled correction from us. (Our kids range in age from 7-14 years old) When we correct him, he responds by …

How to keep your Kids from Derailing your Marriage
In 2004, my wife and I spent four days in Puerto Vallarta celebrating our ten-year anniversary. We left our three small children behind and were together on a vacation for the first time in nearly five years. During this …

Presence: The Key to Real Relationships
One of the most valuable things that I have learned in recent years is the importance of Presence. Presence is important for healthy friendships, healthy marriages, and successful parenting. By presence, I mean showing up both physically and emotionally. Many …