Tag: goals

What you Should do for 4 hours EVERY Week
Every leader, without exception, should be investing a minimum of 4 hours weekly working ON the organization rather than IN the organization. If your organization is going to move forward, you must spend time away from people, working on the …

Truly Successful People know these 2 things
On this blog I write about Priority Management, Productivity, Leadership, Church Staffing, Family Leadership, and other very practical things. I have spent the last 20 years honing, training and coaching leaders in these areas. But under all of these things …

How to Move from Bad Cop to Good Cop as a Leader
One of the primary issues that leaders face is managing well the people or teams that they oversee. Lead Pastors often wrestle with the tension between being authority to paid staff and being friend/mentor/developer to the paid staff that they …

A Plan to take over the World
I once heard a person say “The world belongs to those who read.” Over the years, I have read hundreds of books. I have read books on history, culture, theology, finance, business, bicycling, poker, Steve Jobs, Katniss Everdeen, and …