Tag: delegation

How to Make the Best Use of an Assistant
Hiring an assistant is one of the best decisions you can make as a leader. Why? Because many leaders spend the majority of their time doing things they are not uniquely gifted to do when those things could all be …

Three Things you should Stop doing ASAP
Recently a leader that I coach shared with me four kinds of things that we do in life. He learned this from Steve Stroop, pastor of Lakepoint Church in Rockwall, Texas. It is SO good that I have been thinking …

Stop Doing Everything Yourself
So many of us feel like we are overworked and responsible for too many things. Having too many priorities keeps us from focusing on the things that are most important. In coaching leaders who struggle with this, I often have …

How to Become a Leader Developing Machine
Few leaders that I encounter reproduce themselves successfully on a regular basis. Some have never even done it once. One of the questions that I am asked most often is, “How can I be more effective at developing leaders?” My …