Tag: chemistry


How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person

Hiring The Wrong Person

Have you ever hired a person only to have serious regret later? Hiring the wrong person can be a painful experience and it can slow momentum, drain resources, and undermine team unity. In a church, hiring the wrong person can damage relationships and hurt people who are trusting us to lead spiritually. Character, Competence, and Chemistry are all critical in order to make a good hire. (I will address character and competence in future posts.)

In order for a person to become an effective and productive part of your team, there needs to be a good chemistry fit.


3 Church Staffing Mistakes to Avoid

Most churches designate funds to pay church leaders. Smaller churches may pay only one pastor while larger churches often pay many staff members. But how can a church best invest its limited amount of staffing dollars?  Who should we hire


How to Find the Right Person to Hire

Staffing is a great challenge for any leader or organization. In my work with pastors I am often asked questions about staffing. Who should I hire? When should I hire? Should I hire from within or look outside? Here are
