How to Become a Leader Developing Machine
Few leaders that I encounter reproduce themselves successfully on a regular basis. Some have never even done it once. One of the questions that I am asked most often is, “How can I be more effective at developing leaders?” My …

A Plan to take over the World
I once heard a person say “The world belongs to those who read.” Over the years, I have read hundreds of books. I have read books on history, culture, theology, finance, business, bicycling, poker, Steve Jobs, Katniss Everdeen, and …

The Dangerous Power of Online Messaging
Every day, relationships are damaged through online messaging. (Emails, Facebook messages, and Text messages) This damage happens for a couple of reasons. First, people say things in writing that they would never say to another person face to face. It’s …

Presence: The Key to Real Relationships
One of the most valuable things that I have learned in recent years is the importance of Presence. Presence is important for healthy friendships, healthy marriages, and successful parenting. By presence, I mean showing up both physically and emotionally. Many …