Category: Staffing

Staff Team Meetings – A Better Strategy
Are you looking for a better strategy and plan for staff team meetings? Imagine being a part of an organization and a team where your meetings are helpful, engaging, efficient, and productive. Perhaps you have never even seen a meeting …

How to Wildly Succeed with Volunteers
Every church relies on volunteers to carry out its vision. Churches rely on volunteers for: Kid’s Programs Hospitality Set up and Take-Down Ushering Greeters Office Workers Small Group Leaders Music Audio/Video Production We give a mountain of effort to recruiting …

How to Not Fail in Leadership
Few of us enter our careers already skilled in the art of leadership. We spend our early career years learning (and often failing) to become great leaders. Many never become great leaders, often because they fail to invest the time …

A Better Plan for Team Communication
Good Team Communication is essential for a healthy team. Many of us rely daily on email to communicate with team members. The problem with using email for team communication is that we rely on email for so many things that …

What to Do With Your Staff Team Right Away
If you lead a staff, one of the most valuable things you can do is to have each person on your team create an annual plan. An annual plan is foundational for everything else that your staff team will do …