Category: Leadership

How to Find the Right Person to Hire
Staffing is a great challenge for any leader or organization. In my work with pastors I am often asked questions about staffing. Who should I hire? When should I hire? Should I hire from within or look outside? Here are …

You Have to Stop Working Sometimes
The technology that we have access to today allows many of us to work non-stop. In the past, we may have had to travel somewhere to work, but now we can work from almost anywhere. Work, today, could be described as …

How to keep your Kids from Derailing your Marriage
In 2004, my wife and I spent four days in Puerto Vallarta celebrating our ten-year anniversary. We left our three small children behind and were together on a vacation for the first time in nearly five years. During this …

How to Work Fewer Hours and Get More Accomplished
Most of us are not interested in working more hours. But we spend way too much time doing things that others could do. This leads to a couple of problems. First, our truly important tasks are procrastinated or even ignored. …