The One Thing You Must Do for Success This Year
If you could accomplish only One Thing this year what would it be? Every year I write annual goals and A life plan. This year, however, I will be focusing on one top priority that I want to accomplish. What got me …

Three Huge Mistakes that Church Planters Make
This is a Video that I shot for Exponential on Establishing Leadership in a New Church Plant. Avoiding these three mistakes will save you a lot of pain as a church planter. It’s only three minutes long but contains fifteen …

On Long Meetings and Long Sermons
On Long Meetings Please do not imprison me in a long meeting because you failed to take the time to prepare for a good short one. Peter Drucker says that the best leaders spend more time preparing for the meeting …

How to Lead A Team of Other Leaders
Many of you lead a team of other leaders. You lead managers, director level staff, campus pastors, or volunteer leaders (who are leading other people.) I continually work with people who lead a team of leaders and are wrestling with …

Staff Team Meetings – A Better Strategy
Are you looking for a better strategy and plan for staff team meetings? Imagine being a part of an organization and a team where your meetings are helpful, engaging, efficient, and productive. Perhaps you have never even seen a meeting …