Category: Personal Development


A Plan to take over the World

I once heard a person say “The world belongs to those who read.”   Over the years, I have read hundreds of books.  I have read books on history, culture, theology, finance, business, bicycling, poker, Steve Jobs, Katniss Everdeen, and


The Dangerous Power of Online Messaging

Every day, relationships are damaged through online messaging. (Emails, Facebook messages, and Text messages) This damage happens for a couple of reasons. First, people say things in writing that they would never say to another person face to face. It’s


Presence: The Key to Real Relationships

One of the most valuable things that I have learned in recent years is the importance of Presence.  Presence is important for healthy friendships, healthy marriages, and successful parenting.  By presence, I mean showing up both physically and emotionally.   Many


Why do I keep talking about coaching?

You probably know that I talk quite a bit about coaching and lead a coaching company called Context Coaching. But the whole idea of coaching is unfamiliar to a lot of people. What does it look like when I coach


Have the conversation already!

  Most of us don’t like hard conversations.  Few of us charge head first into conflict.  But without difficult conversations we don’t have real relationships.   Author Tim Ferris goes so far as to say that, “A person’s success in life
