Tag: leadership development

How to rest on the run

How to Rest When You’re On the Run

Last week on a hot, sunny, dry day, I took a four-mile trail run with my 12-year-old son. Jackson is a cross-country runner and runs sub 7-minute miles. Because of the heat we were both more tired than normal during

direct report

5 Ways to Overcome Frustration With Your Direct Reports

Are you frustrated by the people who work underneath you? It just might be your fault. You may be making common managerial mistakes that are creating tension with your direct reports. The good news is that it is much easier


Three Things Every Lead Pastor Must Do

Every lead pastor, regardless of church size, should be devoted to three key priorities weekly. Beyond being committed to mission, relationships, prayer, personal character etc., these three priorities are essential for a lead pastor. These priorities apply to pastors who lead


100 Principles for Leadership

Download my NEW e-book FREE for a limited time! Over the past 18 months, I have written over 65,000 words and 130 blog posts. I write on leadership, leadership development, productivity, staffing, priority management, and family leadership. I have synthesized my last


What to do BEFORE Firing a Person

Thinking about firing a person from your team? In the past week, I have written two posts concerning letting staff members go from your team: When You Should Fire a Person from your Team How to Fire a Person from your
