Category: Staffing


How Much should You Pay Your Pastor?

How much should a pastor be paid? Though the final answer is subjective, here are six guidelines. Rather than focusing on one or two of these, make sure to consider each. None is exhaustive, but all are helpful. 1. THE

direct report

5 Ways to Overcome Frustration With Your Direct Reports

Are you frustrated by the people who work underneath you? It just might be your fault. You may be making common managerial mistakes that are creating tension with your direct reports. The good news is that it is much easier


Your Team is Likely Holding you Back

Why isn’t your organization moving forward? Perhaps it is because you have the wrong people on your team. Many organizational leaders have people on their teams that they would never hire again. They choose to continue to keep these people on


Three Times to NOT Hire a Person

There is little that is more important for an organization than having the right people on the team. When interviewing potential candidates for an open position, it can be tempting to hire a person too quickly in order to get


100 Principles for Leadership

Download my NEW e-book FREE for a limited time! Over the past 18 months, I have written over 65,000 words and 130 blog posts. I write on leadership, leadership development, productivity, staffing, priority management, and family leadership. I have synthesized my last
