Category: Leadership


Is Anything Beneath Me?

This article is a guest post by Dr. Bart Barrett, the owner of a medical practice in Huntington Beach California. Dr. Barrett is a well-known speaker and is the author of Life Medicine. I was in a meeting with a Medical Group CEO today. The discussion turned

How to be a friend

How to take your Friendships to a new Level

Interested in learning to be a better friend, parent, or spouse? One of the ways to take your friendships to a new level is to learn to implement a few skills that coaches use. A commitment to developing these skills


How to Become a Leader Developing Machine

Few leaders that I encounter reproduce themselves successfully on a regular basis. Some have never even done it once. One of the questions that I am asked most often is, “How can I be more effective at developing leaders?” My


A Plan to take over the World

I once heard a person say “The world belongs to those who read.”   Over the years, I have read hundreds of books.  I have read books on history, culture, theology, finance, business, bicycling, poker, Steve Jobs, Katniss Everdeen, and


The Dangerous Power of Online Messaging

Every day, relationships are damaged through online messaging. (Emails, Facebook messages, and Text messages) This damage happens for a couple of reasons. First, people say things in writing that they would never say to another person face to face. It’s
